Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Advanced PID Controlled AMF panel::Embedded Projects_brainbitz


AMF panel and generator packages are designed to provide emergency power during a mains supply failure. During operation, the control panel of the AMF monitors the mains entering
the circuit. If a mains supply fails, the panel disconnect the mains from the load, apparently the generator starts and its output gets connected to the load. (The load being appliances, lights, etc in
use within the house/office/factory at the time of mains failure). The generator continues to supply to the load until the mains supply returns. As soon as the mains supply returns, the generator
automatically detect, disconnect and stop the generator and the mains supply gets re-connected to the load. The AMF panel reverts to the standby mode and remains ready to respond to any another
accidental mains failure.
The AMF panel (Automatic Main Failure) Device is widely used in the industries to control
and detect the main failure. But common type of AMF panels works as a power source switcher
during a power failure. In some cases the AC power monitoring is very critical and there are
conditions which demand highly precise of parameters like input frequency and voltage. Most of
the AMF panels are insufficient of detecting the changes in frequency or voltage. If the fluctuations
in the above mentioned parameters exist, it can lead to disastrous results even in the damage of
costly machinery. Most of the existing AMF panel have a low speed switching relays which may lead to fatal results in long run.
To get an alternative to this scenario, we here follow a new approach to design an advanced PID controlled AMF panel. In this approach, an efficient Micro-controller will monitor the
parameters of input main power supply. Its high speed ADC will read the parameters in real time.
Also it will hold some previous reference data so that it can detect the changes in the input power
parameters. The device uses a high speed, high power Thyristor family components that will increase the switching speed hence the performance.
Basic Block Diagram

For more details

Contact 7736877278 / 8606090523


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